Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (2024)

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  • 6 minutes to read

Azure NetApp Files supports creating volumes using NFS (NFSv3 or NFSv4.1), SMB3, or dual protocol (NFSv3 and SMB, or NFSv4.1 and SMB). A volume's capacity consumption counts against its pool's provisioned capacity.

This article shows you how to create an NFS volume. For SMB volumes, see Create an SMB volume. For dual-protocol volumes, see Create a dual-protocol volume.

Before you begin

  • You must have already set up a capacity pool.
    See Create a capacity pool.
  • A subnet must be delegated to Azure NetApp Files.
    See Delegate a subnet to Azure NetApp Files.


  • Deciding which NFS version to use
    NFSv3 can handle a wide variety of use cases and is commonly deployed in most enterprise applications. You should validate what version (NFSv3 or NFSv4.1) your application requires and create your volume using the appropriate version. For example, if you use Apache ActiveMQ, file locking with NFSv4.1 is recommended over NFSv3.

  • Security
    Support for UNIX mode bits (read, write, and execute) is available for NFSv3 and NFSv4.1. Root-level access is required on the NFS client to mount NFS volumes.

  • Local user/group and LDAP support for NFSv4.1
    Currently, NFSv4.1 supports root access to volumes only. See Configure NFSv4.1 default domain for Azure NetApp Files.

Best practice

  • Ensure that you’re using the proper mount instructions for the volume. See Mount a volume for Windows or Linux VMs.

  • The NFS client should be in the same VNet or peered VNet as the Azure NetApp Files volume. Connecting from outside the VNet is supported; however, it will introduce additional latency and decrease overall performance.

  • Ensure that the NFS client is up to date and running the latest updates for the operating system.

Create an NFS volume

  1. Click the Volumes blade from the Capacity Pools blade. Click + Add volume to create a volume.

    Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (1)

  2. In the Create a Volume window, click Create, and provide information for the following fields under the Basics tab:

    • Volume name
      Specify the name for the volume that you are creating.

      Refer to Naming rules and restrictions for Azure resources for naming conventions on volumes. Additionally, you cannot use default or bin as the volume name.

    • Capacity pool
      Specify the capacity pool where you want the volume to be created.

    • Quota
      Specify the amount of logical storage that is allocated to the volume.

      The Available quota field shows the amount of unused space in the chosen capacity pool that you can use towards creating a new volume. The size of the new volume must not exceed the available quota.

    • Large VolumeIf the quota of your volume is less than 100 TiB, select No. If the quota of your volume is greater than 100 TiB, select Yes.


      Large volumes are currently in preview. If this is your first time using large volumes, you must first register the feature and request an increase in regional capacity quota.

      Volumes are considered large if they are between 100 TiB and 500 TiB in size. Once created, volumes less than 100 TiB in size cannot be resized to large volumes. Large volumes cannot be resized to less than 100 TiB and can only be resized up to 30% of lowest provisioned size. To understand the requirements and considerations of large volumes, refer to for using Requirements and considerations for large volumes.

    • Throughput (MiB/S)
      If the volume is created in a manual QoS capacity pool, specify the throughput you want for the volume.

      If the volume is created in an auto QoS capacity pool, the value displayed in this field is (quota x service level throughput).

    • Virtual network
      Specify the Azure virtual network (VNet) from which you want to access the volume.

      The Vnet you specify must have a subnet delegated to Azure NetApp Files. The Azure NetApp Files service can be accessed only from the same Vnet or from a Vnet that is in the same region as the volume through Vnet peering. You can also access the volume from your on-premises network through Express Route.

    • Subnet
      Specify the subnet that you want to use for the volume.
      The subnet you specify must be delegated to Azure NetApp Files.

      If you have not delegated a subnet, you can click Create new on the Create a Volume page. Then in the Create Subnet page, specify the subnet information, and select Microsoft.NetApp/volumes to delegate the subnet for Azure NetApp Files. In each Vnet, only one subnet can be delegated to Azure NetApp Files.

      Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (2)

      Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (3)

    • Network features
      In supported regions, you can specify whether you want to use Basic or Standard network features for the volume. See Configure network features for a volume and Guidelines for Azure NetApp Files network planning for details.

    • Availability zone
      This option lets you deploy the new volume in the logical availability zone that you specify. Select an availability zone where Azure NetApp Files resources are present. For details, see Manage availability zone volume placement.

    • If you want to apply an existing snapshot policy to the volume, click Show advanced section to expand it, specify whether you want to hide the snapshot path, and select a snapshot policy in the pull-down menu.

      For information about creating a snapshot policy, see Manage snapshot policies.

      Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (4)


      By default, the .snapshot directory path is hidden from NFSv4.1 clients. Enabling the Hide snapshot path option will hide the .snapshot directory from NFSv3 clients; the directory will still be accessible.

  3. Click Protocol, and then complete the following actions:

    • Select NFS as the protocol type for the volume.

    • Specify a unique file path for the volume. This path is used when you create mount targets. The requirements for the path are as follows:

      • It must be unique within each subnet in the region.
      • It must start with an alphabetical character.
      • It can contain only letters, numbers, or dashes (-).
      • The length must not exceed 80 characters.
    • Select the Version (NFSv3 or NFSv4.1) for the volume.

    • If you are using NFSv4.1, indicate whether you want to enable Kerberos encryption for the volume.

      Additional configurations are required if you use Kerberos with NFSv4.1. Follow the instructions in Configure NFSv4.1 Kerberos encryption.

    • If you want to enable Active Directory LDAP users and extended groups (up to 1024 groups) to access the volume, select the LDAP option. Follow instructions in Configure AD DS LDAP with extended groups for NFS volume access to complete the required configurations.

    • Customize Unix Permissions as needed to specify change permissions for the mount path. The setting does not apply to the files under the mount path. The default setting is 0770. This default setting grants read, write, and execute permissions to the owner and the group, but no permissions are granted to other users.
      Registration requirement and considerations apply for setting Unix Permissions. Follow instructions in Configure Unix permissions and change ownership mode.

    • Optionally, configure export policy for the NFS volume.

    Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (5)

  4. Click Review + Create to review the volume details. Then click Create to create the volume.

    The volume you created appears in the Volumes page.

    A volume inherits subscription, resource group, location attributes from its capacity pool. To monitor the volume deployment status, you can use the Notifications tab.

Next steps

  • Manage availability zone volume placement for Azure NetApp Files
  • Configure NFSv4.1 default domain for Azure NetApp Files
  • Configure NFSv4.1 Kerberos encryption
  • Enable Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) LDAP authentication for NFS volumes
  • Configure AD DS LDAP with extended groups for NFS volume access
  • Mount a volume for Windows or Linux VMs
  • Configure export policy for an NFS volume
  • Configure Unix permissions and change ownership mode.
  • Resource limits for Azure NetApp Files
  • Learn about virtual network integration for Azure services
  • Configure access control lists on NFSv4.1 with Azure NetApp Files
  • Application resilience FAQs for Azure NetApp Files
  • Requirements and considerations for large volumes


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Create an NFS volume for Azure NetApp Files (2024)


Does Azure NetApp files support NFS? ›

Azure NetApp Files supports creating volumes using NFS (NFSv3 or NFSv4. 1), SMB3, or dual protocol (NFSv3 and SMB, or NFSv4. 1 and SMB). A volume's capacity consumption counts against its pool's provisioned capacity.

How to create NFS volume on NetApp? ›

Creating your file...
  1. Create a new SVM with an NFS volume and export.
  2. Open the export policy of the SVM root volume (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
  3. Configure LDAP (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
  4. Verify NFS access from a UNIX administration host.
  5. Configure and verifying NFS client access (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
Dec 17, 2021

Which NetApp solution would be used to migrate this data to an azure NetApp files volume? ›

NetApp offers a SaaS based solution, NetApp Cloud Sync. The solution enables you to replicate NFS or SMB data to Azure NetApp Files NFS exports or SMB shares.

How do I mount Azure NetApp volume in Linux? ›

Mount NFS volumes on Linux clients

Select the Volumes pane and then the NFS volume that you want to mount. To mount the NFS volume using a Linux client, select Mount instructions from the selected volume. Follow the displayed instructions to mount the volume. If you use NFSv4.

What is the difference between Azure files and Azure NetApp files? ›

Azure Files is built on the same Azure storage platform as other services like Azure Blobs. Azure NetApp Files is a fully managed, highly available, enterprise-grade NAS service that can handle the most demanding, high-performance, low-latency workloads requiring advanced data management capabilities.

Does Azure have NFS? ›

Azure Files offers two industry-standard file system protocols for mounting Azure file shares: the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol and the Network File System (NFS) protocol, allowing you to pick the protocol that is the best fit for your workload.

How do you create an NFS on Azure? ›

Create an NFS Azure file share
  1. Select Home and then Storage accounts.
  2. Select the storage account you created.
  3. Select Data storage > File shares from the storage account pane.
  4. Select + File Share.
Oct 21, 2022

How to create NFS volume? ›

Creating your file...
  1. Create a new SVM with an NFS volume and export.
  2. Open the export policy of the SVM root volume (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
  3. Configure LDAP (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
  4. Verify NFS access from a UNIX administration host.
  5. Configure and verifying NFS client access (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
May 26, 2022

How do I create an NFS file? ›

Quick Tutorial #1: Setting Up an NFS Server with an NFS Share
  1. Installing NFS Server. ...
  2. Create Root NFS Directory. ...
  3. Define Access for NFS Clients in Export File. ...
  4. Make the NFS Share Available to Clients. ...
  5. Installing NFS Client Packages. ...
  6. Mounting the NFS File Share Temporarily. ...
  7. Mounting NFS File Shares Permanently.
Dec 10, 2020

What are the three primary benefits of Azure NetApp files? ›

Benefits. Azure NetApp Files is built for simplicity, performance, and compliance. You gain a better understanding of your infrastructure, achieve high performance and reliability requirements, and protect and optimize your services.

What are the two best use cases for NetApp cloud volumes ONTAP? ›

Cloud disaster recovery (DR) and cloud backup

Deploying Cloud Volumes ONTAP can help dramatically simplify the solution implementation for both of these requirements.

Why use Azure NetApp files? ›

Azure NetApp Files makes it easy for enterprise line-of-business (LOB) and storage professionals to migrate and run complex, file-based applications with no code change. Azure NetApp Files is widely used as the underlying shared file-storage service in various scenarios.

How do I access Azure NetApp files? ›

Get started
  1. Register for NetApp Resource Provider.
  2. Create a NetApp account.
  3. Delegate a subnet to Azure NetApp Files.

What is the maximum size of an Azure NetApp files volume? ›

Resource limits
ResourceDefault limit
Maximum size of a single file16 TiB
Maximum size of directory metadata in a single directory320 MB
Maximum number of files in a single directoryApproximately 4 million. See Determine if a directory is approaching the limit size.
Maximum number of files ( maxfiles ) per volume106,255,630
20 more rows
Feb 2, 2023

What is difference between LUN and volume in NetApp? ›

LUN is a large file inside the volume. You can have multiple LUNs in the same volume. Total Volume size= data space + Snapshot reserve . Note that, if the snapshot copies grow to be bigger than the Snapshot reserve size, the volume data space will be used for extra snapshot space.

Can Azure files replace file server? ›

Azure Files can be used to replace or supplement traditional on-premises file servers or network-attached storage (NAS) devices.

Does Azure files use blob storage? ›

Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob Storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data. Blob Storage is ideal for: Serving images or documents directly to a browser.

What are the 2 types of disk storage in Azure? ›

Azure managed disks currently offers five disk types, each intended to address a specific customer scenario:
  • Ultra disks.
  • Premium SSD v2.
  • Premium SSDs (solid-state drives)
  • Standard SSDs.
  • Standard HDDs (hard disk drives)
Feb 6, 2023

Does Azure Files support NTFS? ›

Azure Files supports the full set of NTFS basic and advanced permissions. You can view and configure NTFS permissions on directories and files in an Azure file share by mounting the share and then using Windows File Explorer or running the Windows icacls or Set-ACL command.

What protocols does Azure NetApp Files support? ›

Azure NetApp Files supports creating volumes using NFS (NFSv3 or NFSv4. 1), SMB3, or dual protocol (NFSv3 and SMB, or NFSv4. 1 and SMB).

How do I enable NFS on Azure Blob Storage? ›

To learn more about NFS 3.0 protocol support in Blob Storage, see Network File System (NFS) 3.0 protocol support for Azure Blob Storage.
  1. Step 1: Create an Azure virtual network. ...
  2. Step 2: Configure network security. ...
  3. Step 3: Create and configure a storage account. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a container. ...
  5. Step 5: Mount the container.
Feb 15, 2023

How do I create file storage in Azure? ›

To create an Azure file share:
  1. Select the storage account from your dashboard.
  2. On the storage account page, in the Data storage section, select File shares.
  3. On the menu at the top of the File shares page, select + File share. ...
  4. In Name, type myshare. ...
  5. Select Create to create the Azure file share.
Jan 13, 2023

How do I create an NFS file share? ›

Create an NFS file share
  1. Log on to the server as a member of the local Administrators group.
  2. Server Manager will start automatically. ...
  3. On the left, select File and Storage Services, and then select Shares.
  4. Select To create a file share, start the New Share Wizard.
Dec 23, 2021

What is the throughput of Azure file share NFS? ›

Performance. The NFS protocol is available on Azure Files premium tier. Your performance will scale linearly with the provisioned capacity. You can get up to 100K IOPS and 80 Gibps throughput on a single 100 TiB volume.

How do I put files in NFS? ›

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Manage > Network Settings > Network File System.
  2. Click New to display the Add NFS mount point window.
  3. Type the host name of the NFS server in FQDN, IPv4, or IPv6 format.
  4. Specify the directory that you are accessing on the remote NFS server.

What is an NFS volume? ›

One of the most useful types of volumes in Kubernetes is nfs . NFS stands for Network File System – it's a shared filesystem that can be accessed over the network. The NFS must already exist – Kubernetes doesn't run the NFS, pods in just access it.

How to create NFS server in NetApp? ›

Creating your file...
  1. Create a new SVM with an NFS volume and export.
  2. Open the export policy of the SVM root volume (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
  3. Configure LDAP (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)
  4. Verify NFS access from a UNIX administration host.
  5. Configure and verifying NFS client access (Create a new NFS-enabled SVM)

Is NFS a file storage? ›

The Network File System (NFS) is a mechanism for storing files on a network. It is a distributed file system that allows users to access files and directories located on remote computers and treat those files and directories as if they were local.

What is NFS file format? ›

NFS is a network file sharing protocol that defines the way files are stored and retrieved from storage devices across networks. The NFS protocol defines a network file system, originally developed for local file sharing among Unix systems and released by Sun Microsystems in 1984.

What file holds NFS configuration? ›

Configuring a system to share files and directories using NFS is straightforward. Every filesystem being exported to remote users via NFS, as well as the access rights relating to those filesystems, is located in the /etc/exports file.

How Azure NetApp Files works? ›

Azure NetApp Files provides built-in data protection to help ensure the safe storage, availability, and recoverability of your data. Key features include: Snapshot copies: Azure NetApp Files allows you to create point-in-time snapshots of your volumes, which can be restored or reverted to a previous state.

Are Azure NetApp Files high availability? ›

Azure NetApp Files aligns with the generic logical-to-physical availability zone mapping for all Azure services for the subscription. Azure availability zones are highly available, fault tolerant, and more scalable than traditional single or multiple data center infrastructures.

What are two elements of the Azure NetApp Files hierarchy? ›

Azure NetApp Files provides two QoS types of capacity pools: auto (default) and manual.

What is difference between traditional volume and Flexvolume in NetApp? ›

A FlexVol volume can share its containing aggregate with other FlexVol volumes. Thus, a single aggregate can be the shared source of all the storage used by all the FlexVol volumes contained by that aggregate. A traditional volume is a volume that is contained by a single, dedicated, aggregate.

What are the types of volumes in NetApp? ›

Volumes can be either standard volumes or thin volumes. A standard volume is a logical structure that a host uses to access data on a storage array. A thin volume is a logical structure that can only exist in a disk pool.

What are three benefits of NetApp cloud volumes ONTAP? ›

With Cloud Volumes ONTAP, you can optimize your cloud storage costs and increase application performance while enhancing data protection, security, and compliance.

What is the difference between Azure Blob and Azure file storage? ›

Azure File Storage and Blob Storage offer the same level of redundancy, but Azure Blob Storage is cheaper than File Storage. Azure File Storage provides the folder for the data storage, while Azure Blob Storage does not provide the folder. They give a flat structure for data storage.

What is the latency of Azure NetApp Files? ›

An Azure NetApp Files volume is able to generate ~319,000 IOPS with only 1.5 millisecond (ms) latency for adjacent virtual machines and ~290,000 IOPS with less than 2ms latency for non-adjacent virtual machines.

Which storage software is Azure NetApp Files running on? ›

Azure NetApp Files is a native Azure storage service that provides enterprise-grade NFS and SMB/CIFS storage volumes for mission-critical applications, SAP HANA, databases, high-performance computing, web-applications, and user files.

What protocols does Azure NetApp files support? ›

Azure NetApp Files supports creating volumes using NFS (NFSv3 or NFSv4. 1), SMB3, or dual protocol (NFSv3 and SMB, or NFSv4. 1 and SMB).

Does Azure files support NTFS? ›

Azure Files supports the full set of NTFS basic and advanced permissions. You can view and configure NTFS permissions on directories and files in an Azure file share by mounting the share and then using Windows File Explorer or running the Windows icacls or Set-ACL command.

What are three primary benefits of Azure NetApp files? ›

Benefits. Azure NetApp Files is built for simplicity, performance, and compliance. You gain a better understanding of your infrastructure, achieve high performance and reliability requirements, and protect and optimize your services.

How do I mount an NFS share in Azure? ›

Mount an NFS share using the Azure portal
  1. Once the file share is created, select the share and select Connect from Linux.
  2. Enter the mount path you'd like to use, then copy the script.
  3. Connect to your client and use the provided mounting script.
Feb 6, 2023

How do I configure Azure NetApp Files? ›

  1. From the Azure NetApp Files management blade, select your NetApp account (myaccount1).
  2. From the Azure NetApp Files management blade of your NetApp account, click Capacity pools.
  3. Click + Add pools.
  4. Provide information for the capacity pool: Enter mypool1 as the pool name. ...
  5. Click Create.
Jan 13, 2023

Is Azure Files a file server? ›

Unlike SharePoint, Azure Files (not to be confused, incidentally, with Azure Blob Storage) is essentially a cloud version of traditional WDFS/SMB/CIFS file servers.

How does Azure NetApp Files work? ›

Azure NetApp Files is an Azure native, first-party, enterprise-class, high-performance file storage service. It provides NAS volumes as a service for which you can create NetApp accounts, capacity pools, select service and performance levels, create volumes, and manage data protection.

Does Azure files use Blob storage? ›

Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob Storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data. Blob Storage is ideal for: Serving images or documents directly to a browser.

Which storage software is Azure NetApp files running on? ›

Azure NetApp Files is a native Azure storage service that provides enterprise-grade NFS and SMB/CIFS storage volumes for mission-critical applications, SAP HANA, databases, high-performance computing, web-applications, and user files.

What is the maximum size of an Azure NetApp Files volume? ›

Resource limits
ResourceDefault limit
Maximum size of a single file16 TiB
Maximum size of directory metadata in a single directory320 MB
Maximum number of files in a single directoryApproximately 4 million. See Determine if a directory is approaching the limit size.
Maximum number of files ( maxfiles ) per volume106,255,630
20 more rows
Feb 2, 2023

Why use Azure NetApp Files? ›

Azure NetApp Files makes it easy for enterprise line-of-business (LOB) and storage professionals to migrate and run complex, file-based applications with no code change. Azure NetApp Files is widely used as the underlying shared file-storage service in various scenarios.

How do I create an NFS in Azure? ›

Create an NFS Azure file share
  1. Select Home and then Storage accounts.
  2. Select the storage account you created.
  3. Select Data storage > File shares from the storage account pane.
  4. Select + File Share.
Oct 21, 2022

How to create NFS storage? ›

Open the Server Manager and go to Configure this local server, then Add Roles and Features. Select Next until you reach Server Roles. Under File and Storage Services / File and iSCSI Services, select Server for NFS. Select Next to install Server for NFS.

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