The Westfalls: Generations of Cutting Champions (2024)

The Westfalls: Generations of Cutting Champions (1)

NCHA Hall of Fame riders Russ and Janet Westfall ride with their son Brandon on their ranch in Los Olivos, California in 2016

The Westfalls: Generations of Cutting Champions (2)

Russ Westfall works cattle on one of their homegrown futurity horses Let Georgie Do It that went on to win over $146,000 for the Westfalls. Russ has been training cutting horses since the early 1990s when he went to work for the legendary horseman, Buster Welch.


Playing The Fiddle

Fiddle and Steel is the second foal out of Lil Bit Reckless, and from day one, the Westfalls knew that he was something special. Fiddle, as he is more affectionately known, is by the legendary sire Metallic Cat, whose offspring have won over $4 million in cutting, reining and reined cow horse events. The Westfalls believed that Reckless would cross well with Metallic Cat, and they especially liked the diversity of talent in his offspring. But even they didn’t realize what a perfect stallion choice they had made. “The first time I saw my dad work Fiddle in the round pen, I knew he was a freak of nature,” Brandon recalls. “He was making these moves that no horse should be making at that young of an age.” From then on, he and Brandon just seemed to connect on a higher level. Russ tells the story, “I trained Fiddle and I always really liked him and got along with him, but he had something special with Brandon that I can’t explain. They just had a connection.”

The beautiful red roan stallion has proven to be the best of both his parents with his innate athletic ability, extraordinary cow sense and tough as nails personality. “Fiddle is just a really fast-footed, cowy, athletic, mature cutting horse,” Russ describes. “Even though he’s only 4 years old, he acts like a seasoned show horse when you get him in the arena. He is just all business, and that’s what makes him special.” All of these qualities make him a good cutting horse, but what makes him stand-out from the rest is his larger than life stop. Russ continues, “His stop is so hard. One of his greatest features. He is so strong. He can get in and out of predicaments just because of his strength.”

The connection between Fiddle and Brandon runs deep as the duo continues to succeed with their confident demeanor and impeccable style. Maybe it’s the fact that both horse and rider come from generations of champions or maybe it’s that they were both trained by Russ. Either way, the pair remains unstoppable. “They have won some big cuttings, but when they won the Futurity last year, that run they had in the finals was good enough what,” Russ proudly states. Together they have already won over $160,000 in their first year of showing and Fiddle was just named the 2021 NCHA Non-Pro Horse of Year. A huge accomplishment measured by a series of cutting horse events across the West Coast and even though the season isn’t fully complete, there is no team even remotely close enough to catch them going into the last events of the season. Brandon humbly adds, “I just want to thank everyone that has helped me get to this point: my parents, Morgan Cromer, Tim Smith, Clint Allen and Boyd Rice. They have helped me the most — whether it’s turning back for me or giving me advice. They are always there for me.”

Knowing that Fiddle is still a stallion himself, the question remains if he will continue on the Westfall’s legacy of champions with babies of his own. When questioned on the subject, Russ answers, “We will see what happens. He and Brandon are still having a lot of fun showing, but we want Fiddle to go out in style and be remembered for how good he is in the arena. For now, we are just enjoying the ride.” The good news is that they still have the option to breed Fiddle if they decide to, and his dam, Lil Bit Reckless, is also still putting amazing babies on the ground. Fiddle has two full siblings in the oven waiting to make their appearance this coming spring. Russ jokes, “Lightning doesn’t always strike in the same spot twice but it’d be awesome if they were similar to him. But you never know.” Contrary to what Russ believes, seeing the Westfalls’ track record, history may just repeat itself in a few short years.

The Westfalls: Generations of Cutting Champions (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.